The crazy ping-pong game of the pit bulls between Israelis and Palestinians continues. Murderous attacks from Gaza (Hamas) and Lebanon (Hezbollah) on Israel, hundreds of murders and kidnappings, in response the nationalist-´religious´ government is turning Gaza, South Lebanon and the West Bank into a war zone, hitting above all the civilian population on all sides. Loud militant minorities decide: Hamas/Hezbollah wants martyrs, Netanyahu wants to retain power at all costs.
2025-01-13 A hostage deal is on the horizon, but the right-wing extremists (Ben-Gvir, Smotrich) are (again) threatening to leave the government ... 15.1.2025 The negotiating delegations of Israel and Hamas have agreed on a six-week ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners ... 2025-01-16 Netanyahu accuses Hamas of breaking his word and blocking the country and postpones a meeting to approve the ceasefire agreement ... 2025-01-17 Israel´s security cabinet has approved the agreement ... 2025-01-18 Last night, Israel´s government agreed to the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the hostage deal by a majority. Ben-Gvir and Smotrich voted against it, at least Ben-Gvir is threatening to resign. Now there will be peace (at least for 6 weeks), unless someone - no matter which side - goes crazy. Now the right-wing extremists could try to take another shot at the Supreme Court - an interesting development, since they have actually been working with Netanyahu to disempower this court.
Ukraine-War - Putin: War criminal-dictator-as commander-in-chief responsible for mass murder-Country thief-hostagetaker!
How can you negotiate with Putin and his comrades-in-arms at all? What was rightly condemned in the case of Hitler and the other Nazis must not be accepted passively in the terrorist acts committed by Putin and his henchmen.
These criminals belong in prison (e.g. Putin´s favorite penal camp Polar Wolf), this Putin-Russia can only be despised...
Putin is fighting the ´NAZI government of Ukraine´? Nonsense, the only one who acts like the NAZIS is Putin! He murders in Ukraine ´for the security of Russia´.
Politicians who supposedly represent ´THE PEOPLE´S OPINION´ are constantly trying to suck up to Putin and undermine national and EU-wide agreements (e.g. the gas supply for years), internationally e.g. Robert Fico (Slovakia), Viktor Orbán (Hungary), in Germany the entire AfD and the BSW with ´cheerleader/mastermind´ Sahra Wagenknecht (Russia is good, the West is bad, Ukraine should not be supported).
War against Ukraine: Putin and his vassals in Russia and occupied territories are waging this war with a ´justification´ that resembles unspeakable events in Germany 83 years ago largely against the Ukrainian civilian population ⇒Putin is a war criminal a case for the International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC) or Russia as a state before the International Court of Justice of the UN (ICJ), also in The Hague!
The Ukrainian right-wing extremists came to < 2.5% in the last free election. Russian far-right parties have existed since the 1990s (e.g. the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), which won up to 13% of the vote in the State Duma by 2016; the dominant United Russia party (ER), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) and Just Russia (SR) are no more democratic). Internationally (Libya, Syria etc., now Ukraine) there are mercenary groups of allied regions (Chechen, North Korea...) acting. The ex-KGB agent and current sect leader - former Russian Orthodox Church - Patriarch Kirill I disqualifies himself parmanently with his loyalty to Putin and the ´just war´ rhetoric.
Putin victim list (not complete): 2003 Sergei Yushenkov-politician, 2006 Anna Politkovskaya-journalist and Alexander Litvinenko-Putin critic, 2008 Sergei Magnitsky-lawyer, 2013 Boris Berezovsky-oligarch, 2015 Boris Nemtsov-opposition politician, 2019 Selimkhan Khangoshvili-´Tiergarten murder´, 2022 Ravil Maganov-oil company manager and Alexander Subbotin-oil company manager, 2023 Yevgeny Prigozhin-mercenary chief, 2024 Maxim Kuzminov-former helicopter pilot, Alexei Navalny-opposition politician, Witalij Robertus-oil company deputy manager, Pawel Kuschnir-Pianist.
´ukraine-russland-mythen-101.html´ (german language) You can easily check this list of myths/facts via WIKIPEDIA and (trustworthy!) news portals.
USA: After the renewed Trump election with cementing his majority in (almost) all bodies - especially the Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court - the country continues to ´move forward´. Recently he also wants to take over or buy the Panama Canal (Panama has been part of Panama since 1999) and Greenland (politically self -managed part of the Kingdom of Denmark), Canada should be made compliant with high tariffs (this he threatens to many states) or as ´51st state of the USA´ be hijacked. The ´Fake´-PotUS and its entire designated government team of lunatics and extremists including Musk is a disgrace to democracy!
´Fake´-PotUS Trump and his Republican sect (Tea Party 2.0; Sideline critics, de-democratization, Lies (so-called ´ALTERNATIVE FACTS´), disenfranchisement of the ♀ population; dominance of a fundamentalist evangelical minority), Half of the US population does the ´lemming´ and follows the pied pipers (we are probably also on this path with the AfD). The populist and autocrat Trump won the election on November 6, 2024 (thanks to the rather undemocratic electoral process - in most states THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL applies) Senate and House of Representatives are likely to go to the Republicans. The USA is mutating into an ex-democracy. Trump installs a government that massively reduces human rights, environmental standards and administration, hinders the economy worldwide through US-related subsidy and trade blockade measures, wants to ´clarify´ crises worldwide (including Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Arab neighbors) at high speed (probably at the expense of the weaker) with simple pseudo-solutions, etc.
TSAR Putin - Leading war criminal; perpetual term of office; criminalization and calls for violence against his opponents and so-called ´ENEMIES OF RUSSIA´ - this goes as far as controlled assassination actions (probably only a selection: 2003 Sergei Yushenkov-politician, 2006 Anna Politkovskaya-journalist and Alexander Litvinenko-Putin critic, 2008 Sergei Magnitsky-lawyer, 2013 Boris Berezovsky-oligarch, 2015 Boris Nemtsov-opposition politician, 2019 Selimkhan Khangoshvili-´Tiergarten murder´, 2022 Ravil Maganov-oil company boss and Alexander Subbotin-oil company manager, 2023 Yevgeny Prigozhin-mercenary chief, 2024 Maxim Kuzminov-former helicopter pilot, Alexei Navalny-opposition politician and Witalij Robertus-oil company deputy manager); lying to the population; War - from 1999 in Chechnya (1994-1996 was before Putin), 2008 Georgia, since 2011 Syria, since 2014 annexation of Crimea, occupation (establishment of ´independent people´s republics´ after alleged genocide of Russians) of Donbass and Luhansk, since 2022-02-24 even more murderous in the whole of Ukraine; Media suppress⇒alternative truths, Orwell´s 1984 sends its regards.
The brothers and sisters in spirit - Jarosław Kaczyński, Jair Bolsonaro (fortunately removed from office in the meantime), Viktor Orbán und Robert Fico (both corrupt autocrats, collect EU funds, permanently act against EU interests and decisions), the dictator at Putin´s mercy Alexander Lukashenko as well as Nicolás Maduro (illegitimate ´president´ of Venezuela, plans by ´law´ occupation/takeover of a large part of the neighboring country Guyana because of large oil deposits found there) etc., they are approaching countries whose determiners are always right: SULTAN Erdogan (witch hunt against opponents, war against Syrian Kurds on dubious grounds), Emperor Xi Jinpíng - Uyghurs, sabre-rattling against Taiwan, Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un - dictator dynasty, the madman with the atomic bombs, arms supplier for the murderous Russian war against Ukraine, Ali Khamenei - supreme religious determiner in Iran, ruled with massive support of the Revolutionary Guards, violence against its own population, arms supplier for the murderous Russian war against Ukraine, support for the Houthi rebels, Hezbollah and Hamas.
@´QUERDENKER´ / QANON / Conspiracy Theory Fans: If you believe the nonsense spread by Sputnik/Russia Today (directly in RT-DE/RT-UK, indirectly, e.g. in Trump´s house channel FOX News or by some ´influencers´) is really no longer to help you! You are not ´THE PEOPLE´ but just a very loud minority!
´One will still be allowed to say that´ / ´Prohibitions of expression´ / Suppression of opinion ... It´s funny that these sayings come from AfD etc. all the time and are also spread in normal media (´social media´ are rather not part of it), where is something suppressed? What is rightly criticized and, if necessary, prosecuted with legal remedies are statements that violate human rights (also according to the Basic Law!), glorification of violence, etc.
@AfD: You are not victims of an instrumentalized ´lying press´ but manipulative perpetrators who are making maximum use of the freedom of expression that they deny. As stupid and disgusting as these statements are, they are possible in our democracy!
Not only since the current AfD party conference 11/12.1.2025 in Riesa the following question has arisen: WHICH PART OF THE AFD IS ACTUALLY NOT RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST?
How many conspiracy theorists, populists and extremists in government positions can the world tolerate? It is not only here that the density of these persons is now alarmingly high.
To name just the biggest (population size, not quality) or closest: In addition to the dictators Putin, Kim, Xi and many others, there are often "elected officials" active, e.g. in the Americas Maduro, Milei and soon Trump, in Europe/Middle East Orbán, Fico, Erdogan. Then there are the many parties/politicians with more than borderline behavior.
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