Hamas is blocking the flight of the population from Gaza´s north from Israel´s offensive, entrenching itself behind the civilian population.
Putin denounces ´the actions of the West´. Quote Putin (16.10.2023): ´Violence against civilians unacceptable´... but probably only if it doesn´t come from him!
Erdogan declares his solidarity with the Palestinians and calls on both sides to show moderation - but his reaction was quite different only recently with the attack in Ankara by the PKK... In the meantime (1.11.2023) only Israel is ´THE EVIL´ and Hamas ´THE GOOD´ for him.
Hopefully not just my opinion: Violence and blanket denigration of individuals or groups is unacceptable - no matter if (allegedly) ´religiously´ or ´politically´ justified. The misconduct of individuals must not be generalized to entire population or religious groups, examples: ´Hamas (not believing in God, just fanatical murderers)´ vs ´Palestinians´, ´Islamists´ vs. ´Islam´, ´Parts of the Israeli government and some religious extremists´ vs. ´Judaism (worldwide) ´, ´Putin´ vs. ´Russians´, etc.
Further escalation: And again I have the impression that the right-wing government under Netanyahu and Hamas or Islamic Jihad are passing the ball to each other so that no de-escalation (lasting peace is now hardly conceivable) occurs. The only thing that counts is maintaining power at all costs...
And now the escalating military operation, which alternately turns all areas of the Gaza Strip into a combat zone, including the last ones Catching Hamas terrorists, but leaving the civilian population with no real chance of escape... and to top it off, new (illegal!) settlements are approved in the West Bank - THAT´S LIGHTING THE POWDER KEG AGAIN! What will the reaction of the other side be?
@Israelis: I hope you remove this government from office soon, before it causes even more harm.
War against Ukraine: Putin and his vassals in Russia and in the occupied territories are waging this war with a ´justification´ that resembles unspeakable events in Germany 83 years ago largely against the Ukrainian civilian population ⇒Putin is not GröFaZ 2.0 (greatest general of all time), he is a war criminal a case for the International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC) or Russia as a state before the International Court of Justice of the UN (ICJ), also in The Hague! Who are the Nazis? The Ukrainians? Nonsense! Only Putin & Co. act like the Nazis before and during the Second World War!
... and Putin´s war rhetoric continues to sound with renewed reinforcement of his armed forces (defense against enemy armies of NATO - ??? Who started a war here???) like Hitler-speak before/during World War 2.
More information: The Ukrainian right-wing extremists (e.g. the ASOW movement) came to < 2.5% in the last free election. Russian far-right parties have existed since the 1990s (e.g. the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), which won up to 13% of the vote in the State Duma by 2016; the dominant United Russia party (ER), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) and Just Russia (SR) are no more democratic). Internationally (Libya, Syria etc., now Ukraine) there are groups like the formerly ´private´ and now largely integrated into the army mercenary group WAGNER and Putin´s Chechen butcher Kadyrov and his murderous clan. All of them are close to the government or secret service. The ex-KGB agent and current sect leader - former Russian Orthodox Church - Patriarch Kirill I disqualifies himself parmanently with his loyalty to Putin and the ´just war´ rhetoric.
Putin victim list (probably not complete): 2003 Sergei Yushenkov-politician, 2006 Anna Politkovskaya-journalist and Alexander Litvinenko-Putin critic, 2008 Sergei Magnitsky-lawyer, 2013 Boris Berezovsky-oligarch, 2015 Boris Nemtsov-opposition politician, 2019 Selimkhan Khangoshvili-´Tiergarten murder´, 2022 Ravil Maganov-oil company manager and Alexander Subbotin-oil company manager, 2023 Yevgeny Prigozhin-mercenary chief, 2024 Maxim Kuzminov-former helicopter pilot, Alexei Navalny-opposition politician, Witalij Robertus-oil company deputy manager, Pawel Kuschnir-Pianist.
On 2024-08-01 prisoner exchange: Several opposition members imprisoned in penal camps (including Xenia Fadeyeva, Vladimir Kara-Murza, Oleg Orlov, Andrej Piwowarow, Alexandra Jurjewna Skotschilenko) and people held hostage in Russia (Evan Gershkovich, Alsu Kurmasheva, Kevin Lick, German Moyzhes, Patrick Schöbel, Paul Whelan, Dieter Woronin) or Belarus (Rico K.) against Russian murderers, arms dealers and terrorists convicted in Europe/United States, etc. (including the zoo murderer Vadim Krassikov)
My (unfortunately not very realistic) dream: All those responsible - Putin and his government team, the would-be ´heads of state´ in the separatist regions and the marauding military - will be wanted worldwide for genocide, terrorism, looting, etc. and put on trial when caught. After sentencing, the ´Polar Wolf´ prison camp would be an appropriate final repository for him and his comrades-in-arms...
´ukraine-russland-mythen-101.html´ (german language) You can easily check this list of myths/facts via WIKIPEDIA and (trustworthy!) news portals.
Now some people offer simple solutions for imaginary problems and sidetrack from real problems, such as
Ex-Fake-PotUS Trump and his Republican sect (Tea Party 2.0; Sideline critics, de-democratization, Lies (so-called ´ALTERNATIVE FACTS´), disenfranchisement of the ♀ population; dominance of a fundamentalist evangelical minority), Half of the US population does the ´lemming´ and follows the pied pipers (we are probably also on this path with the AFD).
TSAR Putin - Leading war criminal; perpetual term of office; criminalization and calls for violence against his opponents and so-called ´ENEMIES OF RUSSIA´ - this goes as far as controlled assassination actions (probably only a selection: 2003 Sergei Yushenkov-politician, 2006 Anna Politkovskaya-journalist and Alexander Litvinenko-Putin critic, 2008 Sergei Magnitsky-lawyer, 2013 Boris Berezovsky-oligarch, 2015 Boris Nemtsov-opposition politician, 2019 Selimkhan Khangoshvili-´Tiergarten murder´, 2022 Ravil Maganov-oil company boss and Alexander Subbotin-oil company manager, 2023 Yevgeny Prigozhin-mercenary chief, 2024 Maxim Kuzminov-former helicopter pilot, Alexei Navalny-opposition politician and Witalij Robertus-oil company deputy manager); lying to the population; War - from 1999 in Chechnya (1994-1996 was before Putin), 2008 Georgia, since 2011 Syria, since 2014 annexation of Crimea, occupation (establishment of ´independent people´s republics´ after alleged genocide of Russians) of Donbass and Luhansk, since 2022-02-24 even more murderous in the whole of Ukraine; Media suppress⇒alternative truths, Orwell´s 1984 sends its regards. The brothers and sisters in spirit - Jarosław Kaczyński, Jair Bolsonaro (fortunately removed from office in the meantime), Viktor Orbán, Robert Fico, the dictator at Putin´s mercy Alexander Lukashenko as well as currently Nicolás Maduro (illegitimate ´president´ of Venezuela, plans by ´law´ occupation/takeover of a large part of the neighboring country Guyana because of large oil deposits found there) etc., they are approaching countries whose determiners are always right:
SULTAN Erdogan (witch hunt against opponents, war against Syrian Kurds on dubious grounds),
Emperor Xi Jinpíng - Uyghurs, sabre-rattling against Taiwan,
Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un - dictator dynasty, the madman with the atomic bombs, arms supplier for the murderous Russian war against Ukraine,
Ali Khamenei - supreme religious determiner in Iran, ruled with massive support of the Revolutionary Guards, violence against its own population, arms supplier for the murderous Russian war against Ukraine, support for the Houthi rebels, Hezbollah and Hamas,
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